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A Guide to Movement Therapy

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We hope this short guide to movement therapy speeds your personal journey towards alleviating suffering and restoring wellbeing. Based on Dr Bonnie’s own real-world research and experiments, this e-book exposes your mind (and body if you try them) to new approaches to movement therapy. If you are frustrated with conventional PT, not reducing chronic pain nor improving strength, or just need to try something new and different, we offer some exciting alternatives. Some are basic, like breathing and stretching. Others are familiar modalities like yogas and Tai Chi. Yet others are maybe not so familiar, like Feldenkrais and Gyrotonics. We discuss budgeting your time and money, too, important considerations for people with chronic inflammatory, autoinflammatory and autoimmune diseases.


“For more than 30 years, I was an obedient physical therapy patient. I went to weekly PT, week after week, and never asked why I was not getting better. Every so often I changed therapists, hoping to see progress and alleviate my chronic pain. But my symptoms never showed improvement. Why did it take me 30 years to discover other approaches to movement therapy besides the standard PT prescribed to me by several different conventional doctors? Lo and behold, I found there are many more options. Through trial and experimentation, I was able to find my best fit movement therapies that effectively minimize my pain.”


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