We are ardent researchers about business, science, technology and much more; curious,  open-minded yet critical, eschewing dogma but skeptical of fads and woo.

Our goal is to bring multiple and often heterodox perspectives to work for you. 

Our Vision is a world where we apply the tools of digital healthcare to help people with chronic diseases realize their best possible health.

Our Mission is to raise awareness and be a resource to everyone tackling the chronic disease epidemic or living with chronic/autoimmune disease, helping them “activate” the latest science and technology to improve their work and their lives.

Our Objective is to bridge the gaps: across the autoimmune abyss, from silo to silo, across conventional and alternative approaches, between patients and practitioners, from research to practice, from faster diagnosis to more effective disease management and prevention.

Our Business is consulting with companies, organizations, and people like you to help you understand the digital health landscape and bridge gaps that impede advances in chronic disease care, especially immune and inflammatory diseases.

Exciting areas include; microbiome therapeutics including the oral microbiome, novel biomarkers, digital behavior change platforms, lifestyle self-hacking (diet, supplements and exercise) as well as care collaboration and coordination within and between conventional and functional medicine.

Immune diseases are a large and growing market. We are seeking collaborators!

  1. If you are part of a company seeking to address (auto)immune diseases and care directly, or you are developing products and services in chronic disease management, I can help.
  2. If you are interested in finding & creating new sources of data and digital tools to treat, reverse, and prevent autoimmunity, let’s talk.

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